Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 7, 2010

SAIL IISCO Steel Plant Recruitment Trainees/Technicians Vacancy

SAIL IISCO Steel Plant recruitment of Trainees/Technicians

Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) invites application for the following posts:


1) Asstt. Teacher (Trainee) – Grade:S-2
Total Number of posts : 17

2) Surveyor (Land) – Grade : S-3
Total Number of posts : 01

3) Surveyor (Mining) (Trainee) –Grade: S-3
Total Number of posts : 02

4) Overman (Trainee) – Grade : S-3 : 04 posts
Total Number of posts : 04

5) Mining Sirdar (Trainee) -Grade S-1
Total Number of posts : 09

6) Electrician (Trainee) – Grade S-3
Total Number of posts : 10

7) Winding Engine Operator (Trainee)-Grade S-3
Total Number of posts : 02

8) Attendant-cum-Technician Grade : S-1
Total Number of posts : 100

9) Operator-cum-Technician Grade: S-3
Total Number of posts : 200

Application Fees: Candidates have to pay fees of Rs Rs.250/- in the form of DD drawn on any Nationalized Bank, in favour of Steel Authority of India Ltd – IISCO Steel Plant payable at Burnpur.
(Rs.50/- for SC/ST/PH candidates)

Last date for application submission: 31st July 2010

For complete detail on the above posts visit SAIL Website at www.

Tags: Sail Vacancies in IISCO Steel Plant Burnpur SAIL IISCO Steel Plant recruitment of Trainees/Technicians Vacancy Vacancies Engineer Jobs Engineering Vacancy July 2010 2011 SAIL IISCO Steel Plant Recruitment Notification

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