Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068
Degree Programme In Performing & Visual Arts
(On Campus Full Time)
Last date to submit filled in application form: 15th June, 2010
Price: Rs. 500/- by cash at the sales counter;
Rs. 550/- by registered post
Rs. 550/- for downloaded form
Electronic version of the prospectus is available
for download at:
The Indira Gandhi National Open University, established by an Act of Parliament in 1985, has emerged as the largest mega University in the democratic world. It began by offering two academic programmes in 1987, i.e., Diploma in Management and Diploma in Distance Education, with strength of 4528 students. Today, it serves the educational aspirations of over two million students which is over 15% of university students population in India and 33 other countries through the 21 Schools of Study and a network of 60 regional centres, more than 2373 Learner Support Centres, collaborations with 47 foreign institutes and around 52 overseas centres.
In tune with the mission and vision of the University, School of Performing and Visual Arts offers Master Degree programmes in following four disciplines in conventional face to face mode from July 2009.
• Master of Performing Arts – Hindustani Classical Music (80 Credits)
• Master of Performing Arts – Bharatanatyam (72 Credits)
• Master of Performing Arts – Theatre Arts (72 Credits)
• Master of Fine Arts – Painting (64 Credits)
The classes will be conducted by the faculty members and eminent academicians/experts in the respective fields at the venue selected by IGNOU.
2.1 MASTER OF PERFORMING ARTS – Hindustani Vocal Music (MPA – HVM)
Master of Performing Arts -Hindustani Classical Music aims to provide higher education to the Classical Music students and to produce well trained practitioners of Hindustani Music. This is a course where students have a choice of taking up a particular style of singing i.e. either Dhrupad or Dhamar. Students will also study a paper on Management of Music Events and a paper on Sound and Acoustics which will facilitate the students to take up a career related to Music.
General Guidelines
Course Duration – Two Years
Fee: Rs. 5,000/- per semester, per student
Candidates securing 50% marks in BA (Hons.) in Hindustani music from any recognized university, / BA (Pass) examination of recognized university with 60% marks in the subject (music) as one of the elective subject / BA (Hons.) in music from Indira Kala Sangeet Viswavidyalaya, Khairagarh, / graduation in any subject along with 60% marks in diploma in music viz. Sangeet Visharad from Gandharva Mahavidyala of Pune, / Kovid & Vid from Indira Kala Sangeet Viswavidyalaya, Khairagarh, / Prabhakar from Prayag Sangeet Samiti, Allahabad will be eligible to get admission in the course.
Mode of Selection: Students will have to appear in an entrance test and audition for admission in the course.
Medium of Instruction: English and Hindi
Students Intake: A maximum of 20 students may be admitted
The Examination in Hindustani Vocal Music will be held in two parts – (i) M.P.A. Previous and (ii) M.P.A. Final. There shall be 16 Papers in all. Each semester will consist of two Theory Papers of 3 Hours duration each and two Practical papers. Each candidate will be required to pass separately in Theory as well as in Practical.
The ratio of Practical and Theory will be 60:40
Minimum 5 students are required to conduct classes for an optional paper.
Distribution of Credits –
1. Theory – 32 Credits/ 96 Study Hours/ 800 Marks
2. Practical – 48 Credits/ 144 Study Hours/ 1200 Marks
Duration: 2 years- 4 semesters consisting of 72 credits
Eligibility: Graduate in Bharatanatyam or
Any graduate with a Govt. recognized Diploma in Dance (Bharatanatyam)
Admission: Admission to the programme will be through an entrance test conducted at Delhi IGNOU main campus where the practical as well as theoretical aptitude of every student will be put to test. Theory- through a written test and Practical- through a viva-voce
Students Intake: A minimum of 6 and a maximum of 15 students may be admitted
Programme fees: Fees of Rs.3000 per semester
Evaluation: Apart from the semester end exams which will have a weightage of 60%, there will be continuous assessment of 40% in the form of three assignments/tests (20 marks each) out of which the best of two can be used for evaluation.
Master of Performing Arts –Theatre Arts aims to provide both practical and theoretical aspects of theatre to students. This course offers specialization in Direction, Design and Children theatre to facilitate the students to take up a career related to these areas.
General Guidelines
Course Duration – Two Years
Fee: Rs. 2,500/- per semester, per student (Rs.10, 000/- for TWO years)
Eligibility: Any graduate with Diploma in Acting/theatre arts or any graduate with THREE years of practical experience in theatre.
MPA (Theatre Arts) aims at producing well trained practitioners of theatre. The course imparts training in acting, direction, and technical theatre. In order to equip the student the course is designed to provide training in media along with latest theatre research methodologies along with theatre histories. The course also offers specializations in Design, Direction and Children Theatre to provide expertise in these subjects with latest innovative theories and practices.
Medium of Instruction: English and Hindi
Mode of Selection: Students will have to appear in an entrance test and audition for admission in the course.
Students Intake: A maximum of 25 students may be admitted
The Examination in Theatre Arts will be conducted semester wise. Each semester has six subjects of total 18 credits.
The ratio of Practical and Theory will be 70:30
Total credits-72/2160 study hours/1800 marks.
General Guidelines:
• Two years (4 semesters) full time programme.
• Intake: 10-15 students.
• Two year course culminating into 64 Credits. The credits for the programme are divided as:
Theory - 30% (Credits-20/500 Marks)
Practical - 70% (Credits-44/1100 Marks)
• To provide opportunities to students in identifying and developing their own style and medium at advanced level to become a professional Artist.
• To create professionals and creative researchers in the field of Fine Arts.
• To critically study various styles and modes of art expressions from different periods: both historical and contemporary.
• To provide basic knowledge of Art management and marketing.
A candidate seeking admission to the course must have passed the bachelor degree of four years duration (after 10+2) offered by a recognized university. At qualifying examination applicant must have minimum 50 % marks or equivalent grades.
• Bachelor of Visual Art (B.V.A) - Painting
• Bachelor of Fine Art (B.F.A) - Painting
Medium of Instruction: English and Hindi
Students Intake: A maximum of 20 students may be admitted
• Practical Test (Duration Two hours)
Criteria: Composition, Imagination, Creativity, Visualization, Colour application
• Written Test (Duration One hour)
Criteria: Reasoning ability, Language and Articulation, Knowledge of Arts, Artists, Culture, Methods and materials, World View with Social & Environmental Concerns
• Portfolio Presentation: (Duration 20 mins.)
Portfolio evaluation will be done by the panel of five members (Three internal and two external experts).
Criteria: Presentation and Articulation, Professionalism, Creativity and Originality.
For further information, contact:
Prof. Sunil Kumar
School of Performing and Visual Arts
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068
Ph: 011-29534840
For details on courses download pdf file here
Tags: IGNOU Admission IGNOU Courses IGNOU Admission 2010-2011 IGNOU Master of Performing Arts – Hindustani Classical Music IGNOU Master of Performing Arts – Bharatanatyam IGNOU Master of Performing Arts – Theatre Arts IGNOU Master of Fine Arts – Painting IGNOU Admission
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