Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 7, 2010

UPSC Advertisement UPSC Vacancy Recruitment Notification

UPSC Vacancy 2010 UPSC Recruitment 2010 UPSC Notification 2010




1) (Ref.No.F.1/161/2010-R-II) One Senior Scientific Officer, Grade-I (Instrumentation) in DGQA
2) (Ref.No.F.1/40/2008-R-VI) One Assistant  Director, Grade-I(Electrical) in Micro Small & Medium Enterprises
3) (Ref.No.F.1/194/2010-R.IV) One Deputy Director(Design & Documentation), Ministry of Textiles
4) (Ref.No.F.1/260/2007-R-IV) One Assistant Education Officer(Physical) in the Municipal Corporation of Delhi

1.(Ref.No.F.1/161/2010-R-II) One Senior Scientific Officer, Grade-I (Instrumentation) in DGQA, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence, Defence Quality Assurance Service.  The post is also suitable for Physically handicapped persons with disability viz. Hearing Impairment(HH) or Orthopaedically Handicapped / Locomotor Disability / Cerebral Palsy with OL(One Leg affected).   Qualifications :  Essential :  A. Educational : Master’s Degree in Electronics / Applied Physics / Physics / Opto Electronics or B.E. / B. Tech in Electronics / Instrumentation from a recognized University or equivalent.  B. Experience : Four years’ practical experience in Production / Development / Quality Assurance in the relevant field.  Desirable :  i) Doctorate Degree in Electronics / Applied Physics / Physics / Opto Electronics or Master’s Degree in Engineering / Technology in Opto Electronics / LASER / Thermal Imaging from a recognized University or equivalent. ii) Knowledge of German, French, Russian, Japanese or Chinese language. Duties : Preparation of specifications and vetting of documents pertaining to procurement of items / stores. Technical evaluation, testing, inspection and Quality Assurance activities of equipments, systems / Sub-systems and stores indented by the Services pertaining to the relevant discipline.  Creation of test facilities as per various laid down standards /  specifications. Value engineering studies of items / stores.  Product improvement, Indigenisation and  development work on systems/ products.  Interaction with the Industry and preparation of capacity / capability reports.  Technical documentation.  Administration of test labs. 

2.(Ref.No.F.1/40/2008-R-VI) One Assistant  Director, Grade-I(Electrical) in Micro Small & Medium Enterprises, Ministry of Micro Small & Medium Enterprises.  The post is reserved for OBC candidates.  The post is also suitable for Orthopaedically Handicapped i.e., One Leg (OL) or Hearing Handicapped(HH) affected persons.  Qualifications :  Essential :  A. Educational : Degree in Electrical Engineering from a recongized University or equivalent. B. Experience : Three years’ experience in a technical / Industrial concern in the production of light electrical machinery and appliances. Desirable :  i) Familiarity with the latest techniques of production and use of modern machinery, equipment and tools as applied to the electrical trade. ii) Administrative experience.  Duties : To visit small scale units and advise their supervisory staff and workers in different technical problems, which confront them in the manufacture of products falling under small scale sector.  To suggest improved and economical techniques of production, proper use of materials and correct type of machinery and tools.  To prepare model schemes.  Any other duties that may be entrusted from time to time.     

3.(Ref.No.F.1/194/2010-R.IV) One Deputy Director(Design & Documentation), Ministry of Textiles, Office of Development Commissioner(Handlooms), National Handicrafts and Handlooms Museum.   Qualifications :  Essential :  A. Educational :  Post Graduate Degree in Ancient Indian History and Culture or Cultural Anthropology or Art History or Fine Arts including Drawing Painting or Museology from a recognized University / Institution or equivalent OR Diploma in Textile Design or Fine Arts from a recognized University / Institution or equivalent.  B. Experience :  Five years’ experience  of  research connected with Handicrafts and Traditional Textiles or Folk Arts and Crafts or Museology or Indology Archaeology including  three years’ in a Museum or comparable Institution or as a lecturer connected with any aspect of Indian culture.  Desirable :  i) Published work in Arts, Crafts, Cultural Heritage of India or related Subjects.  ii) Experience in Collection of Field Data in Handlooms or Handicrafts or Arts in Rural areas.  iii) Experience of organising Art Exhibition, Writing Captions, Brouchers, Catalogues and Publicity in relation to Rural areas of India.  iv) Knowledge of Photography.  Duties :   Display in Museum Gallery & Special Exhibitions. Supervision of craft demonstration programmes.  Research and documentation of traditional crafts.  HQ :  National Handicrafts & Handlooms Museum, New Delhi.   

4.(Ref.No.F.1/260/2007-R-IV) One Assistant Education Officer(Physical) in the Municipal Corporation of Delhi.  The post is to be filled up by Male candidates.  Qualifications :  Essential :  A. Educational :  Master’s degree in Physical Education from a recognized University or equivalent. OR Master’s  degree of a recognized University or equivalent and degree in Physical education from a recognized University or equivalent.  B. Experience :  Seven years’ experience in imparting training in physical Education in Educational Institute / Youth Welfare camps with two years’ administrative experience.  Desirable :  i) Degree in Education. ii) Doctorate degree of a recognized University or equivalent.  Duties :  Supervision and co-ordination with the work of School Inspector Physical. Plan, Organize and Monitor the activities of physical, cultural games and sports, school health services, Cubs-bulbul etc.  Plan and organize in-service teachers training, sports coaching camp, educational tours, various celebrations rallies etc.  Duties as DDO : Maintenance of ECRs preparation and signing of pay bills, contingent bills and other documents attached to the bills.  Maintenance of service books and leave accounts of teachers / employees of the Education Department of Zone, Maintenance of budget watch registers, drawl and disbursement of salary and other dues pertaining to tachers and other employees.  Any other work given by the higher authority from time to time. HQ : Delhi.    


1.Candidates are  requested to apply in the format published along with this Advertisement  No.14  and NOT write to the Commission for application forms.  They are also requested to go through carefully the details of posts and instructions published below before applying.

2.NATURE  OF POST:All posts belong to General Central Service except otherwise mentioned. 
a)   Posts  at  S. Nos. 2, 3 &  4 are    permanent
b)   Post at S. No.1    is   temporary.

3.PAY SCALE  & CLASSIFICATION  :  (Figures in bracket at the end of the pay scale indicate the approx total emoluments(per month) excluding TA and HRA at the minimum of the scale).    
a)  Rs.15600-39100+Rs.6600 (Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.29970) Group ‘A’  for the post at S. No.4 above
b)  Rs.15600-39100+Rs.6600 (Grade pay) (T.E. Rs.29970) Group ‘A’ Gazetted for the post at S.No.3    above
c) Rs.10000-325-15200(T.E. Rs.22050)(Pre-revised) Group ‘A’  for the post at S. No.1  above.
d) Rs.8000-275-13500(T.E. Rs.17640)(Pre-revised) Group ‘A’  Gazetted for the post at S. No.2  above.

a)   Not exceeding 40 years for the posts at S. Nos.1, 3 & 4 (The age is relaxable upto 5 years  for the  employees of  MCD  for the post at S.No.4)
b)  Not exceeding 38 years for the post at S. No.2

N.B.   The age limit shown against S.No.2 is relaxed age limit for OBC candidates.  The age limit shown against all other  S.Nos is normal age limit.  AGE  IS ALSO RELAXABLE FOR CENTRAL/UT GOVT SERVANTS UPTO FIVE YEARS AS PER THE INSTRUCTIONS ISSUED BY GOVT OF INDIA FROM TIME TO TIME.  For age concession applicable to other  categories of applicants please see relevant paras of the  Instructions to   Candidates for recruitment by Selection.

NOTE :  Candidates with  disabilities[ as indicated against Item(s)] can apply to the respective posts even if the post is not reserved for them.  However, such candidates will be considered for selection to such post by general standard of merit.  Persons suffering from not less than 40% of relevant disability shall alone be eligible for the benefit of reservation and other relaxations as permissible under the rules

5.HEADQUARTERS:At places specifically stated against certain posts, otherwise anywhere in India or aboard.

6.PROBATION:The persons selected will be appointed on probation as per rule. 


Ref. No. F.1/143/2009-R-III. It is notified for information of all the concerned that the recruitment to two posts of Lecturer(Physics) in Jawaharlal Nehru Rajkeeya Mahavidyalaya, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Administration ( Advertisement No. 17, Item No. 8) published in the leading Newspapers/ Employment News on 12-09-2009 has been cancelled.

 (Inderjit Hadda)
Under Secretary

Details here

Also go through Employment News

Application Format download: Doc format  PDF Format

Tags: UPSC Advertisement No. 14/2010 UPSC Vacancy Recruitment Notification UPSC Jobs in UPSC Vacancies 2010 UPSC Vacancy 2010 UPSC Recruitment 2010 UPSC Notification 2010 UPSC Recruitment Notification 2010

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