Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 6, 2011

Delhi University DU Admission MCA MSc Computer Science Date Form

Delhi University (DU) Entrance Test

Delhi University MCA Entrance Test
Delhi University Msc Computer Science Entrance Test
About Delhi University
Established in the year 1922, University of Delhi is one of the most prestigious institutions in India. Since its inception it has been a centre of academic excellence. The Department of Computer Science was established in University of Delhi in the year 1981, with the objective of imparting quality education in the field of Computer Science.

Master of Computer Applications (MCA )
Three-year Master of Computer Applications (MCA) programme at the department was started in 1982 and was among the first such programmes in India. Since then, it has been immensely popular and one of the most sought after courses in India. The department is proud of its more than 700 alumni at important positions in information technology industry in India and abroad.

M.Sc. (Computer Science)
Two-year M.Sc. (Computer Science) course introduced in the year 2004 in the department aims to develop core competence in Computer Science and prepare the students to carry out research and development work, as well as take up a career in the IT industry.

Schedule of Admissions: 

1) Master of Computer Applications (MCA)

Application Forms: To be downloaded from
Last date for receipt of Completed Application Forms : 15thJune 2011
Date of Entrance Examination : MONDAY 4thJuly 2011
Date of Interviews : 14 – 18 July 2011
Date of Counseling : 20thJuly 2011

2) M.Sc. (Computer Science)

Application Forms: To be downloaded from
Last date for receipt of Completed Application Forms : 15thJune 2011
Date of Entrance Examination : SUNDAY 26thJune 2011
Date of Counseling : 07,14, 20 July 2011

1) All information relating to admission, including  Entrance Examination results, schedule for interviews (applicable for MCA only), and counseling shall be notified on the department website and on the department notice board. 
2) The Entrance Examination will be conducted at University of Delhi only.

Admission Ticket for MCA / M.Sc. (Computer Science)
The admission tickets will be issued by post only. In case of non-receipt of the Admission Ticket, a request may be made to the department with    two copies of photograph alongwith proof of having sent the application, not earlier than three days prior to the date of the  Entrance Examination, for issue of a duplicate admission ticket. The candidate will be required to show the admission ticket at the time of the test. No candidate will be admitted to the Examination Hall without the admission ticket.
Instructions for Entrance Examination for MCA/M.Sc. (Computer Science)

(i) All candidates will take their seats as per time given in the schedule.

(ii) Candidates will write particulars on the cover page of the booklet using ball pen, without breaking the seal of the booklet.

(iii) Breaking open the seal of the booklet: On instruction from the invigilator, the  candidates will break open the seal of the booklet and take out the answer-sheet. They will write their particulars and put their signatures using ball point/ fountain pen. They will also encode roll number, category (e.g. GEN/SC/ST/CW/PH/ OBC) paper series and serial number of the test booklet, in HB Pencil only. Specimen is given ahead. Candidates are advised to be careful in filling up these particulars since any wrong entry is likely to render the answer sheet rejected by the computer.

(iv) Late Entry: The entry in the Examination Hall will not be allowed after the start of the test. Thereafter all doors will be closed and no candidate will be permitted entry in the Examination Hall. Candidates are advised to reach the Centre by the reporting time.

(v) Pens/Ball Pens/Pencil Erasers: The candidates are required to bring their own ink / ball point pens, HB pencils (any other pencil HH, HHH, etc., should not be used). In case any pencil other than HB pencil is used, the answer sheet may be rejected by the Optical Mark Scanner.

(vi) Answer Sheet and Checking of Serial Number : The answer sheet is placed inside the booklet. It carries a serial number which should tally with the serial number on the Test Booklet. The candidate should immediately bring to the notice of the invigilator any discrepancy in the serial number on the test booklet and the serial number on the answer sheet placed inside it. In such an event, the candidate will be given a new booklet and answer sheet. In any case, the candidate must not use an answer sheet which has a serial number different from the one given on the test booklet.

(vii) Rough Work : All rough work is to be done in the space provided in test booklet only. Rough work MUST NOT be done in the answer sheet. The candidate will not bring any sheet for rough work.

(viii) Test booklet should be unsealed by the Candidate only after the announcement by the Invigilator.

(ix) The Answer Sheet and the Test Booklet will be collected from the candidate after the Test is over.

(x) The answers are to be given in the appropriate answer-sheet only and NOT in the Test Booklet.

(xi) Do not start writing answers until you are asked to do so.

(xii) Each multiple choice question carries 4 marks. For each correct response the candidate will get 4 marks. For each incorrect response shown in the answer-sheet, one marks will be deducted. No mark will, however, be deducted for not attempting a question. More than one response indicated against a question in the answer sheet will be considered as incorrect response and will be negatively marked.

(xiii) If you do not understand a particular question go to the next question. If you have time you may come back to it later. You should not ask anything about a question to the Invigilator.

(xiv) Use of any calculating device like calculator or mathematical tables is not allowed.

(xv) No candidate will be allowed to leave the Examination Hall until he/she finishes the examination and hands over the answer sheet and test booklet to the invigilator.

(xvi) Eatables are not allowed in the Examination Hall/Room.

(xvii) Sample Questions supplied to candidates only indicate the type of questions that may be asked and do not cover the entire syllabus. The degree of difficulty of questions in the Entrance Examination may also vary.

(xviii) Mobile Phones are not allowed in the Examination Hall.

For details visit:

Tags: Delhi University DU Admission MCA MSc Computer Science Date Form application form download eligibility criteria selection procedure process du admission test du admission dates du admission form download eligibility criteria du mca course du msc course du Computer Science course Delhi University mca entrance exam 2011 Delhi University mca entrance test 2011 notification 2011-2012 details information du website link url 

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