Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 4, 2011

Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) Admission MA Date Form Eligibility

Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU)


Master of Arts (English)
Master of Arts (Tamil)
Master of Arts (History)
MA (Public Administration)
Master of Arts (Political Science)(MPS)
Master of Arts (Sociology)
Diploma in House Electrician (DHE)
Diploma in Plumbing Technician (DPT)
Diploma in Pre-Primary (Kindergarten) Teacher Training (DPTT)
Diploma in Management (DIM)

How To Apply:
Application can be had in person from the head Quarters/ Learning Centres (Study Centres) on payment of Rs. 200/- by cash / DD or by post sending Demand draft for Rs. 250/- drawn in favour of “TNOU” payable at Chennai.

Contact: Tamil Nadu Open University Directorate of Technical Education Campus Guindy, Chennai- 25.

Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU)
Directorate of Technical Education, DTE, Campus Guindy 
Tamil Nadu 
Phone-No: 044 -22351414

Tamil Nadu Open University is a university established by the government of Tamil Nadu, India. It offers subjects in the 'Open' pattern. There is a minimum set of qualifications for entry. Diplomas, certificates, undergraduate and postgraduate courses are offered. It is modelled on the lines of the Indira Gandhi National Open University It has ease of entry and a flexible examination system as the main advantages. Its vocational courses are useful for knowledge as well as job opportunities.
Tags: Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) Admission MA Date Form Eligibility ma course admission 2011 notification 2011 notice application form download forms dates eligibility criteria selection process procedure entrance exam entrance examination test dates 

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