Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 4, 2011

MA Admission Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development

Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD)


MA Youth Empowerment
MA Life Skills Education
MA Career Counselling
MA Gender Studies
MA Local Governance

A bachelor's degree with a minimum of 45 percent marks in any discipline from a recognised university. Preference will be given to graduates in Social Sciences, English Literature, Management and Sciences. Candidates whose final year results are awaited can also apply.
Selection Procedure: The candidates will be selected on the basis of marks secured in the qualifying exam and performance in the entrance test conducted in all state capitals and interview.
Rules of Reservation: The RGNIYD being an equal opportunities institute, implements rules of reservation as per the Government of India norms.

Entrance Test Coordination Centres: National Service Scheme (NSS) Regional Centres at: Ahmedabad (Ph:079-26603141), Bangalore (Ph:080-26563530), Bhopal (Ph:0755-2464817), Bhubaneswar (Ph:0674- 2360439), Chandigarh (Ph:0172-2743275), Chennai (Ph: 044-28225709), Guwahati (Ph: 0361-2229031), Hyderabad (Ph:040-24657369), Jaipur (Ph:0141-2701035), Kolkata (Ph:033-22439233), Lucknow  (Ph:0522-2370011), New Delhi (Ph:011-23382991), Patna (Ph:020-24273078),  Thiruvananthapuram (Ph:0471-2481814).
Entrance test shall be conducted at Port Blairalso if there adequate number of candidates from Andaman & Nicobar Islands. There shall be examination centres in all state capitals and in case more number of applicants, the entrance examination shall be conducted at other cities also. Information regarding exam centres will be intimated to the candidates

How To Apply:
Application: Application forms with prospectus can be obtained:
·          Directly from the Institute on payment of Rs.100/-in cash
·          Through written requisition along with demand draft for Rs.125/- and a self addressed stamped (Rs.25) envelop
·          Downloading the application from Downloaded and filled in application should be sent along with a DD forRs.1257-
·          Separate applications for each course (in case the candidate wishes to apply for more than one course) should be submitted along with separate DDs
·          Demand draft must be drawn on a nationalised bank infavour of Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development payable at Sriperumbudur.

Last date for receipt of filled in application: 15th May 2011

Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD)
Tamil Nadu 

RGNIYD is an autonomous organization of the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, registered as a Society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860, fully funded by the Government of India.

The Institute is located at Sriperumbudur only 40 minutes away from Chennai, the commercial and cultural capital and a buoyant metropolis of the third most idustrialised State in India

RGNIYD endeavours to facilitate our nation’s youth with a conducive environment and tools that will enable them to make the most of their natural potential to realize their aspirations.

Tags: Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD) Admission 2011 notification 2011 notice application form download forms dates eligibility criteria selection procedure process MA Course MA Admission 2011 entrance exam entrance test examination 

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