OJEE Syllabus PHYSICS Sample Questions
Sample Questions
1. If we dip capillary tubes of different radii r in water and
water rises to different height h in them, then.
(A) h/2 = constant (B) h/r = constant
(C) hr = constant (D) hr2 = constant
2. The drug taxol is obtained from the bark of
(A) Pacific Yew (B) Eucalyptus
(C) Cinnamon (D) Cinchona
3. The number of different types of F-S-F bond angles in SF4
(A) two (B) one
(C) three (D) four
4. The integral (1 x) dx
∫ − equals :
(A) 1 (B) 0
(C) 3 (D) 2
The Syllabi given hereunder for OJEE-2011 are only illustrative and not exhaustive. The syllabi are in line with courses of studies in Science stream for the Higher Secondary Examination 2011 of CHSE, Orissa. Since JEE is conducted with a view to preparing merit lists for admission the decision of the JEE Committee as regards the scope of the syllabus is FINAL.
Measurements and Motion : Concept of Mass, Length and Time, SI Units. Conversion of MKS system of units to SI units. Dimension and Dimensional equations of mechanical quantities, Vector addition, Subtraction, scalar and Vector products. Lami’s Theorem. Equations of linear motion for uniformly accelerated bodies (by calculus method). Newton’s laws of motion, conservation of energy and momentum, collision, work, energy, power, sliding and rolling friction. Motion in circular orbits, centripetal force. Banking of tracks, Kepler’s laws (Statements only). Newton’s laws of gravitation. Earth satellites-orbital and escape velocities. Moment of inertia-definition and expression for rod, ring and circular disc. Angular momentum and conservation of angular momentum, Projectile motion.
Kinetic theory of gases and thermodynamics: Basic assumptions, derivation of expressions for pressure, law of equipartition of energy, mean energy, gas equation, specific heats of gases, relation between Cp and Cv.
Work and heat : Concept of temperature. Definition of “J”. First law of thermodynamics, reversible, isothermal and adiabatic processes. Carnot cycle/Carnot engine. Second law of thermodynamics, absolute scale of temperature, law of radiation. Newton’s law of cooling. Thermal energy, specific heat, latent heat, thermal conductivity and its determination by Searle’s method.
Characteristics of Materials: Elastic and plastic behaviors of solids, elastic limit Young’s modulus, Shear and Bulk modulus, Poissions ratio.
Liquids : Intermolecular force, cohesion, adhesion, surface and surface energy, determination of surface tension by capillary rise method.
Flow of liquids : Streamlined and turbulent flow. Atmospheric Pressure, Buoyancy and Archimedes Principle of Flotation. Bernoulli’s equation and its application. Viscosity- coefficient of viscosity, Stokes law.
Electricity : Electric field and potential at a point and capacitor, Kirchhoff’s laws and their application, wheatstone bridge. Joule’s law of heat. Faraday’s law of electrolysis. Biot–Savert’s law, Field due to circular coil at its centre. Moving coil galvanometer (dead beat only). Force on a moving charge in magnetic fields. Lenz’s law. Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction rotating coil in a magnetic field. Alternating current, self and mutual induction, phase relation between voltage and current in a pure resistance, inductance and capacitance, dynamo, motor, transformer, elementary idea on electromagnetic waves. Capacitance, dielectric constant and its effect on capacitance. Permeability susceptibility, diamagnetic, paramagnetic and ferromagnetic substance.
Wave motion : Simple harmonic motion, wave propagation, characteristics of wave motion, longitudinal and transverse waves, superposition of waves, stationary waves. Beats, open and closed organ pipes, velocity of sound in air-effect of pressure, temperature and humidity on it. Doppler effect, laws of transverse vibration of string (Statement only).
Optics : Reflection and refraction at curved surfaces. Spherical mirror and thin lens formula and refraction through prism. Total internal reflection, Dispersion. Huygen’s principle, reflection and refraction by plane surface, Young’s double slit experiment.
Eectronic Devices : Energy and band (descriptive idea only), metals, insulator and semi conductors, intrinsic P- type and N-type semiconductors. Thermionic emission, vacuum triode construction and characteristics, PN junction, PNP and NPN transistor, PN Junction as a rectifier, vacuum triode and transistor as amplifiers.
Relativity and Nuclear Physics : Postulates of special theory of relativity, variation of mass (Statement only), mass energy relation (Statement only).
Atomic nucleus, nuclear forces, nuclear mass, binding energy, mass defect, artificial radio activity, radio isotopes and their uses. Nuclear fission, energy released, chain reaction, controlled chain reaction, fusion, energy generation in the sun, radiation hazards.
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