Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 2, 2011

OJEE 2011 Syllabus CHEMISTRY Download Odisha JEE

OJEE 2011 Odisha JEE Syllabus CHEMISTRY Download 

General behaviour of matter
Solid State : Characteristics, Classification, Solubility, Melting points, Crystal structure of simple ionic compounds.

Liquid state : Characteristics, Boiling and Freezing points, Viscosity, Surface tension, Osmosis, Raoult’s law, Lowering of vapour pressure, Depression of freezing points, Elevation of boiling points.

Gaseous State : Gas laws, Kinetic model of gases, ideal gas equation, Vanderwaal’s equation, Average root mean square and most probable velocities.

Atoms and molecules : Symbols, Valency, Atomic mass, Molecular weight, Avogadro’s hypothesis, Mole concept, Determination of equivalent weight of zinc and copper, Atomic mass by Dulong Petit’s method and Molecular mass by Victor Mayor’s method.

Structure of atoms and molecules : Fundamentals particles and their properties, Rutherford and Bohr models of atom, Hydrogen spectrum, Atomic structure, Energy levels, Shell and Sub-shells, s,p and d orbitals, Quantum numbers, Pauli’s exclusion principle, Aufbau-principle, Hund’s rule, Electronic configuration of atoms.

Chemical bonds : Ionic, Covalent, Coordinate and Hydrogen bond, Hybridisation- SP3, SP2, and SP, Shapes of molecules, Molecular Orbital Theory. periodic classification : Periodic table and periodic laws, s, p, d and f block elements, Periodicity in properties such as atomic and ionic radii, Dalton’s atomic theory, Laws of chemical combination, lonisation energy, Electro negativity and Oxidation state.

Chemical energetics, equilibrium and kinetics:

Energetics: Internal energy, Enthalpy, Heat of reaction, Bond energy, Hess’s law, Idea on enthalpy, entropy and free energy.

Equilibria : Reversible reaction, Laws of mass action, Equilibrium constant Kp, Kc and their relation. Its application to ammonia synthesis and dissociation of HI, Decomposition and thermal dissociation, Solubility product, Common ion effect, Ionic product of water, pH Hydrolysis of salt, Buffer solution. Theory of acid and base.

Kinetics : Rate of reaction, Factors affecting the rate, Rate constant, Order and Molecularity of a reaction, Simple zero and First order reaction, Half life period, Arrehnious equation and Activation Energy.

Types of chemical reaction : Neutralisation and oxidation– Reduction reaction, Equivalent weight, Normality, Molarity and Molality, Oxidation number, Balancing chemical reactions, Ion electron reactions involving KMnO4, K2Cr2O7, Na2S2O3, oxalate etc.

Non-metals : Group study, Preparation, Properties and uses of elements of compounds of hydrogen (ortho and para hydrogen, isotopes of hydrogen, D2O and H2O2). Allotropes of carbon, Silicones, Silicon carbide, Nitrogen family (NH3 and HNO3). Oxygen and sulphur family (O2, H2S, SO2, H2SO4, contact process), Halogens, Hydrogen halides and Interhalogen compounds,Zero group elements (properties & uses).

Electro chemistry : Electrolysis, Electrical Conductivity, Faraday’s laws, Kohlaurash law, Galvanic cell, Cell reaction, Nernst equation, Standard electrode potential, Electro chemical series e.m.f. of simple cells.

Nuclear chemistry : Radio activity, Group displacement law, Half-life period, Carbon dating, Nuclear Fission and Fusion.

Metals and metallurgy : Occurrence of metal, Metallurgy ores, flux, slag calcinations, roasting, smelting (by reduction of oxides) and refining. General trends in the characteristics, principles of extraction of Na, Mg, Ca, Al, Cu and Fe and their oxides, hydroxides, chlorides, nitrates and sulphates.

Organic chemistry: Introduction, Functional Groups, Nomenclature, Isomerism, Polymerisation, sp3, sp2, sp hybridization, Ideas on nucleophile and electrophile, Preparation and properties of simple alkanes, alkenes, alkynes and monohalogen derivaties. Preparation and properties of aliphatic nitro paraffins, types of aliphatic amines, preparation and properties of simple primary amines.

General methods of preparation, properties and uses of alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, acid, chlorides and amides.

Aromatic compounds : Aromaticity, Aromatic substitution, Addition and Oxidation reactions, phenol, Reimer-Tiemann reaction, benzaldehyde (by Etard’s reaction), Cannizarro’s reaction, benzoic acid.

Bio-chemistry : Biological importance of organic compounds such as carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids (only by metabolic process).

Industrial chemistry: General idea on fertilizers, pesticides, polymers (Nylon, Terylene, Neoprene, Buna-S PVC, Teflon Bakelite) and medicine-analgesic, antipyretic, antibiotic and antiseptic (structure and preparation not required).

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