Thứ Sáu, 15 tháng 7, 2011

PTU BTech Online Counselling Procedure Admission Dates Counseling

PTU BTech Online Counselling Procedure

PTU will hold joint online counselling for admission to 1st year B.Tech. of colleges affiliated to PTU Jalandhar, GNDU Amritsar, PAU Ludhiana and Punjabi University, Patiala based on AIEEE -11 results, as applicable.
1 Counselling Fee : Counselling Fee 1st year B.Tech: To Participate in online counseling, every candidate belonging to 85% quota and 15% quota, irrespective of his/her category, shall have to deposit a counseling fee of Rs.3000/- by following ways :
Log into
Fill the respective information.
Select from any designated Banks as listed in the website where the candidate intends to deposit his/her counseling fees through cash.
Take a printout of the E-Deposit Slip
Deposit cash in the respective Bank.
Note : No manual cash deposit slip shall be entertained in any of the following banks. Only those candidates will be able to participate, who have deposited the counseling fees on time.
2. Guidelines for filling Online Registration Form
a. Student shall log on to
b. Please ensure that before registering on the website, you have deposited counseling fee (i.e Rs. 3000/-) in designated bank as given in the website , failing which you will not be allowed to register yourself for Counseling.
c. Click on to New registration (Register Here)
d. Enter your AIEEE roll no, followed by AIEEE rank (All India rank), then enter your name (as given in AIEEE Examination), then enter your correct date of Birth (as given in AIEEE Examination), then enter the green number as shown in Parallel.

e. Before you proceed to register yourself for counseling you must ensure that you have read and understood the eligibility criteria of PTU, Punjabi University, GNDU and PAU for each Reserve category and General category.

f. Select your state of eligibility carefully as you will only be allowed to participate either in Punjab (85% Quota) or other state (15% Quota).

g. Select your Main category, Sub category and Priority in case of Sports and Defence category from the Drop box. In case you want to apply for Sports category at Punjabi University, Patiala and PAU, Ludhiana you must appear for physical test at the concerned Universities, students should see the details from Brochure as well as from the concerned Universities website. GNDU Amritsar will only accept students having Grade A, B & C. Sports persons having Grade D will not be eligible for GNDU Amritsar Seats. Moreover in Grade A, B & C , GNDU Amritsar will not consider the priority (i.e. Gold , Silver, Bronze etc.) and will allocate the seats on AIEEE All India Rank only. Punjabi University, Patiala will prepare a separate merit list of the sportspersons, who pass their physical test and allocate seats irrespective of Grade A, B, C & D.
h. Please note that in case of PTU, students can avail benefit of Rural Area in addition to his / her reserved category (i.e. SC, BC, Sports etc). But if student wish to keep Rural Area as his main category for PTU,GNDU and Punjabi university then he should select main category as general and under Rural/ Urban status select “Eligibile for rural area status in Punjab State and tick () Rural seats in Punjabi University and GNDU”.
i. For availing Sikh Minority benefit from Punjab State as well as other states, the student will have to appear in Sikh Minority test conducted by SGPC. The details are available in the Brochure as well as in the website /
j. Student should fill their aggregate percentage of marks correctly.
k. Please note that Your AIEEE Roll no. is your login ID. Enter and reenter password carefully. Then you will have to choose secret question and its answer, in case you want to change Password later on. (Please remember your password and answer to Secret question as PTU will not be responsible for any misuse/loss of password).
l. Enter your contact number( Landline and Mobile), Address and Email ID. You will be notified about result and other important messages through SMS also.
m. Before final submission of online Registration form, Read the declaration given in the website carefully and give you consent to it, failing which you will not be able to complete your PART-F registration. Also please note that once you complete your registration, you will not be able to change any details in your registration form thereafter. So you must check your information details carefully before final submission of your registration form.
(a) After successful registration and login, candidate’s homepage is opened and following options are displayed:
Registration Details: Registration Detail is important for seat allotment and should be filled very carefully.
Edit Registration: Candidate can correct any mistake in the Registration Details through “Edit Registration” option, provided he/she has not freezed the registration form.
Available Choices: System will provide the List of Colleges and branches thereof.
Fill Choices: candidate can fill the College or branches of choice in order of preferences. It is in the interest of the candidate to fill maximum available choices of colleges and branches. Candidate can also alter/rearrange/delete the filled choices.
Display filled choices: Choices entered by the Candidate will be displayed on different form so that he/she can check the already entered information.
Print Choices: Candidate can also print the list of choices filled by him/her for record.
(b) Allotment of seat : After the choice filling period is over, all filled choices of all registered candidates will be considered for allotment of seats as per merit (Rank), category of the candidate and Seat Allotment Rules approved by participating Universities.
4. Result Declaration: On the date of result declaration, candidate who gets a seat will be informed by SMS. Alternatively candidate can logon to his/her account and check for allotment of seat. Successful Candidate can take printout of provisional allotment letter of college / Branch by logging into his/her account from the website The allotment of seat is purely provisional and subject to verification of original certificates and payment of college fee etc, at the time of reporting in the allotted institute.
5. Candidates are required to report to their respective allotted institutions within the specified period (as per the counseling schedule) along with the documents/ testimonials/certificates and pay college fee as prescribed in the prospectus. If candidates do not report within the specified period, their allotted seats shall be cancelled and the candidates shall not have any claim on the seats, whatsoever. It is in the interest of the candidates to report at the earliest to the allotted college.
6. The Candidates falling under 85% Punjab quota and 15% Other States quota, irrespective of whether they have been allotted a seat or not allotted seat or could not join the allotted institution or could not participate in the earlier round can participate in the second phase of counseling.
7. For 2nd & 3rd round of Counselling, candidates can deposit Rs 3000/- (if not deposited earlier) as counselling charges in designated branches of the banks. Candidates who have deposited Counselling fee in the 1st round will not be required to deposit the fee again for subsequent rounds.
8. The Detailed Instructions about the online counseling shall be available on the website and The Candidate are advised to go through the details thoroughly at these sites before registration.
The counselling procedure for B. Arch. and B. Pharmacy shall be available at website
The AICTE has issued anti-ragging guidelines vide F.No.37-3/Legal/AICTE/2009.
Sub: Prevention and prohibition of Ragging in technical Institutions, Universities including Deemed to be Universities imparting technical education.
F.No.37-3/Legal/AICTE/2009 – In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 23 read with Section 10 (b), (g), (p) and (q) of AICTE Act, 1987, the All India Council for Technical Education, hereby makes the following Regulations:-
1. Short title and commencement
These Regulations may be called the All India Council for Technical Education (Prevention and Prohibition of Ragging in Technical Institutions, Universities including Deemed to be Universities imparting technical education) Regulations 2009
They shall come into force on the date of the notification.
2. Objectives
In view of the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court in SLP No. 24295 of 2006 dated 16-05-2007 and in Civil Appeal number 887 of 2009, dated 08-05-2009 to prohibit, prevent and eliminate the scourge of ragging including any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher or any other student, or indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities by any student or students which causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in any fresher or any other student or asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary course do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student, with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority by a student over any fresher or any other student, in all higher education institutions in the country, and thereby, to provide for the healthy development, physically and psychologically, of all students, the All India Council for Technical Education,(AICTE) brings forth these Regulations.
The details could be found out at
Every candidate must indicate in his / her application the reserved category and sub reserved category (if applicable) for which he / she wants to apply. Candidate seeking admission under a reserved category will be entitled to apply for only one reserved category.
Candidate shall be required to bring original certificates when called upon to do so. Candidates not claiming any reservation shall be treated and considered as a “General Candidate”.
Rules / instructions of Govt. of Punjab, Regarding reserved categories as amended from time to time, will be applicable. The reservation policy of the Punjab Govt. is also given in this Brochure.
Reservation policy of Universities other than PTU shall be governed by their respective reservation criteria. PTU shall have no role in interpreting such criteria.
In case of tie the same shall be decided as follows For Pharmacy
(i) The candidate scoring higher marks in Compulsory shall be higher in merit.
(ii) In case of tie in (i) above, candidates scoring higher marks in Physics shall be higher in merit.
(iii) In case of tie in (ii) above, candidates scoring higher marks in Chemistry shall be higher in merit.
(iv) In case of tie in (iii) above, candidates senior in age shall rank higher in order of merit.
(v) In case of tie in (iv) above, candidates scoring higher marks in 10th examination shall be higher in merit. For Architecture
(i) The candidate scoring higher marks in NATA shall be higher in merit
(ii) In case of tie in (i) above, candidates scoring higher marks in qualifying examination shall be higher in merit.
(iii) In case of tie in (ii) above, candidates scoring higher marks in 10th examination shall be higher in merit.
(iv) In case of tie in (iii) above, candidates senior in age shall rank higher in order of merit.
NOTE: The inclusion of the name of a candidate in the merit list of AIEEE-2011 / Architecture / Pharmacy shall not ipso facto, entitle him / her to secure admission.

Punjab Technical University (commonly known as PTU) at Jalandhar was established by an act of State Legislature on 16 Jan 1997, to promote technical, management and pharmaceutical education in the Punjab state at the degree level and above. Being an education and research university, it has a mandate to set up centres of excellence in emerging technologies and for promoting training and research and development in these areas.

Tags: PTU BTech Online Counselling Procedure Admission Dates Punjab Technical University PTU BTech Online Counseling Procedure process PTU BTech Online Counseling schedule dates application procedure process 

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