BHU UETPET 2011 Provisional Key
Provisional Key
B.Sc. (Ag.) 135 Set-2 KEY
LL.B. 151 Set-1 KEY
LL.B. 151 Set-2 KEY
LL.M. (475) Set-1 KEY
LL.M. (475) Set-2 KEY
LL.M. (HRDE) 476 Set- KEY
M.A. (AIHC & Arch.) 448 Set-1 KEY
M.A. (Museology) 453 Set-1 KEY
M.C.A. 492 Set-1 KEY
M.C.A. 492 Set-2 KEY
M.C.A. 492 Set-3 KEY
M.Ed. 390 Set-1 KEY
M.Ed. 390 Set-2 KEY
M.Ed.(Special) 391 Set-1 KEY
M.F.T. & Others 385 Set-1 KEY
M.Sc. (Computer Sc.) 486 Set-1 KEY
M.Sc. (Tech.) Enviroment Science 480 Set-1 KEY
M.Sc. (Tech.) Geophysics 491 Set- KEY
M.Sc. Health Statistics 275 Set-1 KEY
M.Sc. in Food Sc. & Tech. 354 Set- KEY
M.Sc. in Molecular & Huma. Genetics 490 Set- KEY
M.Tech. Ag. Egg. Soil & Water Com 355 Set-1 KEY
Banaras Hindu University is a public university located in Varanasi, India and is one of the Central Universities of India. It is the largest residential university in Asia, with over 12,000 students living on its campus
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Tags: BHU UETPET 2011 Provisional Key BSc LLB LLM MA MCA MSc MTech MEd MFT courses Banaras Hindu University UETPET 2011 Provisional Key download
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