Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 6, 2011

Nagpur University B.E 1st Year Result NU BE Exam Result

Nagpur University BE Result NU First Year BE Exam Result 

The Nagpur University was established on 4th August, 1923 with six affiliated colleges and 927 students. During 1947, the number of students increased to about 9000 accompanied by the improvement and diversification of curricula and expansion in the range of subjects. The expansion of library and sports facilities occurred during these years for the intellectual and physical well being of the students. It was in 1958 that some new Departments in Arts and Social Science faculties were opened; the major expansion, however, came in 1963 when several science and other teaching Departments were started. The Departments were shifted to spacious buildings in the main campus in 1972-73. In later years, several career oriented courses have been started viz., Business Management, Fine Arts, Mass Communication, Library Science, Physical Education, etc.

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Tags: Nagpur University BE Result NU First Year BE Exam Result Nagpur University be result bachelor of engineering course Nagpur University be exam result Nagpur University result 2011 examination result 2011 may june 1st Year Result Nagpur University B.E 1st Year Result NU BE Exam Result details information website link url 

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