Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 5, 2011

NLU Assam BA LLB Admission National Law School & Judicial Academy Assam

National Law School & Judicial Academy, Assam 


NLU Assam BA LLB Admission 

The Committee appointed by Chief Justices’ Conference on Legal Education & Training and the All India Law Ministers’ Conference has resolved to set up in each State of India a Law School modeled on the lines of National Law School of India University at Bangalore for improving the quality of professional legal education. Accordingly, the Chief Minister, Assam and prominent members of his Cabinet discussed with the Prime Minister and the Prime Minister assured the State Government that the Central Government will assist in establishing a Law School and Judicial Academy in Assam for imparting legal education for development of teaching and higher learning in law with powers to award degrees, diplomas and other academic distinctions. Further, Periodical Training Programmes will be undertaken as a part of continuing education for advocates, judicial officers, para-legal personnel, government officials etc. including one year compulsory induction training for newly recruited judicial officers. For this purpose, a training institution named Judicial Academy will also function like a separate faculty in the proposed Law School. 

The University, styled as National Law School & Judicial Academy, Assam, will have full financial and administrative autonomy. It will be one of the prominent Law Universities in the country with international character drawing students from all parts of India and abroad through an entrance test that will be conducted on All India basis. It is observed that NLSIU, Bangalore and NALSAR, Hyderabad and other National Law Universities have been able to acquire a state of prominence in a short period mainly because of full autonomy these Universities are provided by the respective State Governments.

The National Law School & Judicial Academy, Assam has been established as a torchbearer in the field of education in the faculty of law. The institution has been established by “The National Law School & Judicial Academy, Assam Act” that is Assam Act XXV of 2009. The Chief Justice of Gauhati High Court is the President (Chancellor) of the Law School.

The National Law School & Judiciary Academy, Assam is located in the capital city of Assam, Guwahati, with its permanent campus coming up at Agiyathuri, on the Northern bank of the Brahmaputra. Nestled in the midst of greenery with a campus area covering 21 acres, the Academy will offer the right atmosphere for educational pursuits and excellence. The area is likely to increase to 47 acres in the near future.

Recent times have seen an upsurge in the choice of law as a career and consequently enrollment to law courses. The National Law School & Judicial Academy, Assam has been established at an opportune time and is poised to make great strides in legal education in the state of Assam in particular and the country as a whole. 

The Academy will initially constitute a Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Science and Language. With a strict admission and evaluation process, highly evolved curriculum and the best in the field to impart knowledge, the Academy will ensure that it delivers only the best legal talent to the system.

The permanent campus is being constructed at Agiyathuri, on the Northern bank of the mighty Brahmaputra. It is located in close proximity to the L G B International Airport, the Gauhati University and the IIT, Guwahati. The campus will be fully equipped to create a vibrant learning environment. At present the institution is functioning from a temporary office at Uzan Bazar, Guwahati with a handful of staff during the initial phase of establishment. Classes in graduation level are expected to commence from   August 2011. For this purpuse, a temporary campus is being set up at NEJOTI (North East Judicial Officers' Training Institute) campus in Ulubari area of Guwahati which can easily accomodate 60 students in class as well as hostels. Necessary facilities like Library, Faculty Common Room etc. are being set up in the same campus.

The institution is expected to move to its permanent location at Amingaon (Agiathuri) in about two years' time.

For details visit:

Tags: NLU Assam BA LLB Admission National Law School & Judicial Academy Assam application form download eligibility criteria selection process procedure ba llb admission 2011 entrance exam entrance test examination prospectus syllabus download NLS&JAA BA LLB Admission 2011 b.a. l.l.b. course ba llb courses exam date centre center venue 

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