Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 5, 2011

CSIR NGRI PhD Admission National Geophysical Research Institute

CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI)

Notification for PhD admission (Fall 2011 session)

CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute (NGRI), a premier earth science research institute, invites applications from eligible candidates to pursue research in frontier areas of earth system sciences leading to PhD degree. The projects offered for thesis would be from various branches of geophysics, geology, geochemistry and geochronology for which the most advanced experimental facilities and expertise is available. For details refer to NGRI website

Seats available: Maximum 30

Eligibility: Candidates should have M.Sc./M.Sc.Tech./M.Tech. degree with first class in any branch of physical sciences and have qualified CSIR-UGC (NET) examination for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF). The recipients of scholarships from various funding agencies including DST INSPIRE programme can also apply. Project Assistants working in CSIR Laboratories having a minimum one year research experience are also eligible.

Application should be submitted online using the link ( Project Assistants wishing to apply should, in addition, submit their research objectives and recommendation of the project leader directly to Dr R.K. Tiwari, Coordinator-AcSIR, (CSIR-NGRI) Email:, Tel.: 040-23434648, Fax: 040-23434651. Selection will be through an interview of the shortlisted candidates. No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates for appearing in the interview. Last date for submission of the application form is May 20, 2011.

Tags: CSIR NGRI PhD Admission National Geophysical Research Institute admission 2011 dates forms eligibility criteria selection process procedure application form download forms dates admission dates admission form download CSIR NGRI PhD course CSIR NGRI PhD 2011 CSIR NGRI PhD dates 

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