Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 5, 2011

BSNL TTA Jobs Mode of selection/nature of question paper

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) Bihar 

Recruitment of TTA

Bihar Telecom Circle is going to recruit 171 number of Telecom Technical Assistants (TTAs) in the pay scale of Rs. 13600 to 25420 plus allowances per month through an open competitive examination. TTA is an SSA/Telecom District level cadre and examination will be conducted SSA/Telecom District wise on the same day. One applicant is allowed to appear in the examination against vacancy of one SSA/Telecom District only. 

Mode of selection and nature of question paper:
There shall be only one paper of multiple choice objective type of three hours duration as per the following details

Part- I General Ability Test Marks 20
Part-II Basic Engineering Marks 90
Part-III Specialisation Marks 90

Merit list & Waiting List:
(i) Based on the marks obtained by candidates two types of lists will be prepared for each SSA (1) Merit list (for selected candidates) and (2) Waiting list consisting of all those candidates who have qualified the examination but do not find a place in the merit list of successful  candidates.
(ii) Waiting  list shall remain  valid  for a period  of one year from the date of declaration  of result  or the  date of notifying  the DR  Examination  for the next  recruitment  year, whichever is earlier .
(iii) Appearance of a candidate’s name in the waiting list will not confer any right on the candidate for claiming appointment in the company. 

The total number of questions in the paper shall be 200 and each question shall carry one marks.

The standard of paper in General Ability test will be such as may be expected of an Engineering Diploma holder. The standard of papers in other subject will approximately be that of Diploma level of an Indian Polytechnic. In the specialization Part-III, a candidate has to attempt a common set of questions from the consolidated syllabus prescribed under Specialization Part III. Answer sheet will be OMR based.
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited is a state-owned telecommunications company headquartered in New Delhi, India. BSNL is one of the largest Indian cellular service providers, with over 86.4 million subscribers as of March 2011, and the largest land line telephone provider in India. However, in recent years the company's revenue and market share plunged into heavy losses due to intense competition in Indian telecommunications sector.

Tags: BSNL Bihar TTA Jobs Written Exam Pattern Merit list Waiting List written examination written exam written test exam date venue merit list date waiting list Telecom Technical Assistants jobs in bsnl bihar Telecom Technical Assistants vacancy Telecom Technical Assistants vacancies posts application form download eligibility criteria selection process procedure nature of question paper papers details information website link url 

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