Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 5, 2011

Army Institute of Technology AIT Pune BE Admission Date Form

Army Institute of Technology (AIT Pune)


Bachelor of Engineering (BE)

1.            The eligibility criteria for admission to AIT is published in detail in the Prospectus being made available in February every year.  Brief outline is as below :-
(a)   The applicant must fall into one of the following categories: -
                      (i)      Children of a serving regular Army Personnel with minimum 10 years   continuous service in Army.  
                    (ii)      Children of  ex  Army  personnel   granted/ awarded   regular   pension, liberalized family pension, family pension or disability pension at the time of their superannuation, demise, discharge, release medical board/ invalided medical board.  This includes wards of recruits medically boarded out and granted disability pension.
                  (iii)      Children of ex Army personnel who have taken discharge or released after ten years of service.
(b)  Adopted/ Step Children and Children of Remarried Widows:-  
                      (i)      Adopted Child of Army Personnel adopted at least five years prior to seeking admission.
                    (ii)      Step Children are eligible provided they are born out of a wedding where at least one parent belonged to the Army.
(c)   Eligibility Criteria in Special Cases:-
                      (i)      Eligibility Criteria for Wards of Ex Army Medical Corps Officers/Army Dental Corps Officers presently serving with Indian Navy or Indian Air Force (IN/IAF).  Wards of only those ex Army medical officers/Army Dental Corps officers presently serving with Indian Navy or Indian Air Force who have served with the Army for atleast 10 years.
                    (ii)      Eligibility Criteria for Children of APS/ MNS/TA Personnel.
(aa)     Children of APS personnel classified as ex- servicemen as per Govt of India, Ministry of Defence letter No 9(52)/88/D (Res) dated   19 Jul 89.
(ab)     Children of those APS personnel who are on deputation and who have put in 10 years of service in the Army.
(ac)     Children of APS personnel, who are directly recruited into APS who have competed 10 years of service and of those who as per their terms and conditions of service, retired from APS without reversion to P&T Department after completing their minimum pensionable service of which 10 years was in the Army.
(ad)     Children of only those members of MNS who have 10 years service as regular members of MNS or are in receipt of pension from the Army.
(ae)     Children of only those TA personnel who have completed 10 years of embodied service.
(d)  The candidate must fulfill the age criteria requirements as per AIEEE.
(e)   Must be an Indian citizen, or a PIO who obtains Indian citizenship before admission.

Entrance Examination:-
2.            AIT admission is based on the Rank obtained in the AllIndia Engineering Entrance Exam (AIEEE).  All applicants are therefore required to appear in AIEEE and also apply to AIT for Admission.

How To Apply:
AIEEE Application Form
1         Candidate can apply for AIEEE 2011 either on the prescribed Application Form or make application 'Online'. Address for obtaining/sending complete Application Form and obtaining detailed information, if any is as under:-
Assistant Secretary (AIEEE)
Central Board of Secondary Education
PS 1-2, Institutional Area, IP Extension
Patparganj, Delhi - 110 092
Tel: 91-11-22239177-80 Extn 110,151 &157
Fax: 011-22246095

AIEEE website:

2         All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE-2011) will be conducted on 01 May 2011.   The sale of AIEEE Application Forms is starts in the end of Dec 2010 and likely to be on sale till second week of Jan 2011.   Further details may be obtained from AIEEE or their website
Note: - AIT does not sell/issue AIEEE Application Form nor indulges in any process of conduct of the said exam.

AIT Application Form

3         AIEEE Application Form should be filled before filling AIT Application Form.  The AIEEE Roll No must be endorsed on the AIT Application Form before submitting it to AIT.  Failure to do so would result in rendering the AIT Application Form null and void.

Cost of AIT Application

4         Prospectus and Application Form can be obtained by hand or by post from AIT as well as from HQ Commands and Army HQ (AWES Branch).  The Prospectus can also be downloaded from our website. Cost of Prospectus and Application form is as follows:-

          (i)      By Post:- Rs 660/- through bank Demand Draft drawn on any nationalised bank  in favour of Director, AIT payable at Pune.

        (ii)      By Hand:- Rs 600/- through bank Demand Draft drawn on any nationalised bank in favour of Director, AIT payable at Pune.

      (iii)      Down-loaded Forms: - Down-loaded Application Form should be accompanied with a bank Demand Draft for Rs 600/- drawn on any nationalised bank in favour of Director, AIT payable at Pune.  The details of Bank Draft should be mentioned clearly in the Application Form.

5         AIT Application Form will be open for sale from 10 February 2011 to 15 May 2011.  Last date for submission of completed Application Form is 15 May 2011. After that AIT forms can be submitted alongwith a late fee of  Rs 500/- till 25 May 2011.

6         Counselling at AIT, Pune, will tentatively take place one month after the date of declaration of AIEEE Results.  Dates of counselling will be hosted on the AIT website Joining Instructions will be dispatched to the first 600 AIT Merit holders.
In short

7        Filling up of AIEEE form and AIT Form is mandatory. Failing to fill up any one of the forms will lead to rejection of admission to AIT.

Army Institute of Technology (AIT Pune)

For complete details visit:

AIT was founded in August 1994, as a result of the vision, and untiring efforts of Gen B.C Joshi PVSM, AVSM, ADC.The Institute was inaugurated by Gen S.Roy Chaudhary PVSM, ADC on 24th Feb, 1995.The beautiful campus, serene ambience and architectural splendor,state of the art infrastructure, all provide vital ingredients for a delectable academic environment for development of total quality engineers.

The first batch of BE students graduated in 1998 with flying colours.The succeeding batches continue to excel in all fields-be it sports,cultural or academics.And this tradition of excellence promises to remain unfizzed with every new batch coming to the Institution.

Tags: Army Institute of Technology (AIT Pune) BE Admission Date Form  application form download eligibility criteria selection process procedure entrance exam entrance test examination 2011 admission 2011 notification 2011 notice prospectus syllabus download 

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