Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 4, 2011

SPA Bhopal Doctoral Program in Architecture and Planning

School of Planning and Architecture (SPA Bhopal)

Doctoral Program in Architecture and Planning 


1) Application form should be filled manually by the candidates in BLOCK LETTERS.
2) Application incomplete in any respect is liable to be rejected.
3) Completed Admission form must reach the office by 30th
4) The following documents (if applicable) should be enclosed along with the application
May 2011
• Self attested copy of valid UGC/ NET or any other Govt. fellowship.
• Self attested copy of final mark lists & degree certificate of the qualifying examination.
• In the case of candidates who have appeared or will be appearing in the qualifying examination, self-attested copies of the latest mark sheets are to be submitted. Final mark sheets and provisional degree certificate are required to be submitted by 15 September 2011, (if admitted) failing which admission will be cancelled.
• Self attested copy of proof of date of birth.
• Self attested copy of certificate in the case of SC/ST candidates from a competent authority (Not bellow rank of a Tahsildar).
• Self attested copy of certificate in the case of OBC candidates from a competent authority (not below the rank of a Tahsildar).
• Self attested copy of experience certificate.
• Research proposal (use separate sheets, 500 words approximately)
• Sponsorship certificate duly filled by the sponsoring authority (with the seal of the sponsoring authority) in the prescribed format.
• Self attested copy of proof of all research publications in journal and conference.
• Demand draft towards Application fee as per the category of the candidate.
- Application fee: Rs. 1000/- for open and Rs. 500/- for SC/ST and physically handicapped candidates .
- Demand draft is to be drawn in favour of: “Director SPA, Bhopal
- Applications with all the above enclosures should be sent in time so as to reach the AR Admissions –School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal, Present Campus: Sports, Complex, MANIT Bhopal (M.P.)- 462051 (INDIA) on or before ” payable at: Bhopal.
- Write clearly on the envelop, “Application for Doctoral Program”
May 2011. Applications received late for whatsoever reasons will be rejected/ returned.
-The list of eligible candidates called for interview and the schedule of interview will be available in first week of June 2011, on the institute website: The tentative schedule for interview will be from 2nd

Abbreviations: GEN – General, OBC- Other Backward Class, SC – Scheduled Caste, ST – Scheduled Tribe, Spons- Sponsored

About SP Bhopal
School of Planning and Architecture (or commonly termed as SPA amongst professionals) is a National Resource Institute of India. It is also one of the few premier 'Centrally Funded Technical Institutions (CFTI)' under the Government of India. Currently SPA has 3 branches all over India, administered under the national Government of India. Other than legendary SPA Delhi, the other 2 SPAs that have started functioning from 2008 at Vijayawada and Bhopal (see SPA Bhopal). The SPA Delhi is a specialized university imparting education and research in the field of Planning and Architecture.

Tags: SPA Bhopal Doctoral Program in Architecture and Planning admission 2011 notification 2011 notice application form download forms dates eligibility criteria selection process procedure prospectus syllabus download exam date centre cneter School of Planning and Architecture

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