(Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)
Walk-in-Interview for the position of Project Assistants against externally funded projects
Advt. No.3/2011
Date of Walk in Interview : 20th& 21stApril, 2011
Reporting Time: 8.30 A.M.
1) Project Assistant
Candidates who fulfill the undermentioned age, qualification, desirable and experience etc. may step in for WALK-IN-INTERVIEW at Auditorium, CSIO, Sector-30-C, Chandigarhas per following Schedule.Appointment will be purely on temporary basis which is co-terminus with the completion of the project. It is not CSIO/CSIR appointment:-
Eligible candidates may appear along with downloaded application form from our website www.csio.res.in duly filled up for Walk-in-interview on the above mentioned date between 8.30 AM to 9.30 AM (candidate will not be entertained after 9.30 AM under any circumstances) in the Auditorium of the Laboratory. The candidates are advised to fill updownloaded form giving the full details inclusive of marks starting from Secondary School Examination onwards alongwith latest passport size photograph, original and attested copies of all certificates/testimonials. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PH must bring copies of their caste certificate. Interim inquiry will not be entertained. Bringing in any influence whatsoever will be treated as a disqualification.
Mode of Selection: In case large number of candidates turns up, the candidates will be shortlisted for interview by a constituted Screening/Selection Committee. Only the short-listed candidates to be interviewed by Selection Committee. The Panel so prepared will be utilized for engagement as Project Assistants as and when requirement rise.
DETAILS HERE: http://www.csio.res.in/
Central Scientific Instruments Organization (CSIO) is a national instrumentation research laboratory of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) of the Government of India. CSIO is situated at Sector 30, Chandigarh (India). CSIO was established in October 1959 as a laboratory which works on the research, design, and development of scientific and industrial instruments. It was originally located in New Delhi, and then moved to Chandigarh in 1962. The first Director was Piara Singh Gill. CSIO is one of the constituent laboratories of the CSIR, a multi-disciplinary and multi-dimensional apex industrial research and development (R&D) organization.
Tags: Project Assistants Jobs in CSIO Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIO) Project Assistants recruitment 2011 notification 2011 notice application form download forms dates eligibility criteria selection process procedure Project Assistants vacancy in CSIO vacancies posts eligibility criteria jobs in CSIO Jobs CSIO Vacancy
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