GDPD Furniture and Interior Design FID
PGDPD Graphic Design
GDPD Animation Film Design AFD
Graduate Diploma Programme in Design GDPD Communication Design
Admission is open to students who have passed or who will appear for qualifying examinations under the Higher Secondary (10+2), or equivalents like AISSCE/ IB/ ICSE etc. Candidates passing the Institute’s admission tests/ interviews will be admitted, subject to passing their qualifying examinations before they join the Institute.
Competence in technical and related subjects will normally be considered an advantage. The medium of instruction for UG programme at NID is English. Upper age limit for candidates is 20 years (relaxable by 3 years for reserved categories)
How To Apply:
Application Forms
For General Category: Forms can be downloaded from NID’s and sent along with a DD of Rs 1500/- drawn on any nationalized bank in favour of ‘National Institute of Design’ payable at Ahmedabad. Forms can also be obtained from select branches of Bank of India (listed below) on payment of Rs 1,500/- towards the cost of the form plus Rs 50/- as bank charges.
For Reserved Category: Forms at concessional rates to reserved categories are available only from Admissions Office, NID, Ahmedabad. These forms can be obtained from Admissions Office directly by sending a Demand Draft drawn on any nationalized bank in favour of ‘National Institute of Design’ payable at Ahmedabad for Rs 750/-. The applicant should also send in an attested copy of the relevant certificate from competent authority and a self addressed envelope of 9” x 12” size with Rs 40/- stamps affixed. The envelope should be marked with ‘NID ADMISSIONS 2011’.
Application Form GDPD [PDF]
Application Form PGDPD [PDF]
Reserved category candidates must attach relevant certificate of Caste/Category otherwise the application form will not be provided/will be rejected. OBC candidates are required to submit non-creamy layer certificate from the Collectoratess. PH candidates are required to submit certificate from the Chief Medical Officer.
The incomplete application forms / not satisfying eligibility criteria/ incorrect forms/ forms without required fees will be rejected. The application form fee (Rs 1, 500/ Rs 750) for rejected applications will not be refunded. No official communication will be made regarding rejected application forms.
National Institute of Design (NID)
About NID
National Institute of Design (NID) is a design school in India. The institute functions as an autonomous body under the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. NID is recognised by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) under Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, as a scientific and industrial design research organisation.
Business Week has ranked NID 32nd in its list of top European and Asian design programmes in the world.
NID had been set up looking at the industrial design education being imparted in Bauhaus and Ulm in Germany.
On 19 July 2004, National Institute of Design commenced the IT Integrated Design Programmes (New Media Design, Information and Digital Design and Software and User Interface Design) at the new campus in Gandhinagar. The Gandhinagar campus currently hosts these disciplines.
Tags: National Institute of Design (NID) Admission 2011 notification 2011 notice application form download forms dates eligibility criteria selection process procedure entrance exam entrance test entrance examination dates forms prospectus syllabus download GDPD PGDPD courses
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