Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 5, 2010

SSC Recruitment of Group-B posts in various Ministries-Departments

SSC Recruitment of Group-B posts in various Ministries-Departments April 2010

Staff Selection Commission Latest Recruitment Notification 2010

STAFF SELECTION COMMISSION (SSC) invites application for the following posts:

1) Scientific Assistant (Mechanical)
2) Scientific Assistant (Non-Destructive)
3) Scientific Assistant (Physical-Rubber-Plastic Textile)
4) Instructor (General) Re-designated as Instructor (Training)
5) Assistant Instructor (Electronics) Re-designated as Instructor (Electronics)
6) Physical Training Instructor-cum-Deputy Warden
7) Senior Technical Assistant
8) Instructor (Operation) Re-designated as Instructor (Fishing Technology)
9) Electric Foreman Re-designated as Instructor (Electrical)
10) Assistant Instructor (Engines) Re-designated as Instructor (Marine Engineering)
11) Instructor (Craft and Gear) Re-designated as Instructor (Fishing Technology)
12) Bosun Instructor (Operation) Re-designated as Instructor (Fishing Technology)
13) Superintendent (Planning, Scheduling and Control)
14) Research Investigator (Forestry)

For complete information click here

Download Application form

Tags: download SSC application, government jobs,, jobs at SSC, jobs at Staff Selection Commission, jobs in SSC, jobs in Staff Selection Commission New Delhi, latest jobs at SSC, openings at SSC, posting at SSC, recruitment at Staff Selection Commission New Delhi, Recruitment in SSC April2010, Recruitment of Research Investigator in SSC at New Delhi April 2010

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